Company Profile

Ammomed is a medical education platform based in Sukajadi, Pasteur, Bandung City.


Learning from Minmo's challenging journey in medical school, which demanded rapid comprehension and access to reliable, up-to-date sources to stay abreast. Even upon entering classes, there was a sense of unpreparedness. As aspiring doctors, we must equip ourselves with the necessary "ammunition" to be competent in educating, preventing, and treating diseases for the community. Thus, Ammomed was established, ready to assist fellow peers in amassing the required "ammunition" to become competent doctors. Minmo earnestly hopes that this platform proves valuable in supporting our fellow peers' learning endeavors. Stay updated with Minmo!


Ammomed strives to become an excellent medical education institution that provides benefits to medical students and doctors, both in terms of their professional field and service to others. It serves as a platform for developing human resources with the aim of increasing usefulness to others.


Ammomed provides educational content for medical students and doctors, offering services through its educational programs tailored to their needs. These programs aim to enhance the knowledge and skills of medical professionals, keeping them updated with the latest advancements in the field of medicine.

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